• Kyle Vandermolen

    Chemical Engineer

  • About

    Kyle Vandermolen has been a Chemical Engineer for over 18 years, focusing in safety, industrial hazardous, and chemical spill abatement. His professional experience includes jobs with leading chemical facilities, the steel sector, and speciality chemical processing enterprises. Mr. Vandermolen has also served on the American Chemistry Council's Hydrogen Fluoride Panel in various capacities.


    He is a specialist in the best practices, usage, and safe handling of Hydrogen Fluoride (also known as hydrofluoric acid), a technical chemical utilized in metal pickling, glass etching, semiconductor etching, and as a chemical derivative for other industrial chemical compounds.


    Kyle Vandermolen of Wentzville, Missouri, graduated from Michigan Technological University in 2004 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. Mr. Vandermolen was recruited by and is still an active member of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity during his higher education years.


    Mr. Vandermolen was recruited by and is still an active member of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity during his higher education years.

    Mr. Vandermolen was a member of the Michigan Tech Judicial Board, the Michigan Tech Student Foundation, and many other Michigan Tech student activities, including the Michigan Tech football team and New Innovations in Tech Entertainment (N.I.T.E.).